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Forum: FORUM RULES: Read Before Registering or Posting
Last Post: admin
04-17-2016, 06:01 PM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 16,050

Posted by: admin - 04-17-2016, 06:01 PM - Forum: FORUM RULES: Read Before Registering or Posting - No Replies

Welcome to the Woodlands Community Forums!
To enter main forum, click "Take Back Our Community", in blue at the top left, after reading these notes & rules. Thank You!

Preamble: These forums are operated by the Woodlands "Take Back Our Community" Association, of the Woodlands Condominiums, Mays Landing, NJ. We are NOT the Board of Trustee. In fact, we are a group that was formed to regain control of the Board for the members/owners/tenants of the Woodlands Condominium Association. We make the claim that the current Board has violated multiple laws, both state & Federal, and established pattern of working for their own personal interests. The current Board brags about constantly striving to maintain the common property, and keep fees as low as possible. But if, based on those goals, they take away our amenities, and act like brutes & bullies, they've forgotten the third goal they are required to have...which is to improve the quality of life of our residents, not make the residents feel like they are constantly watched & monitored like criminals. Our goal is to changed this and once we have reestablished a reasonable set of controls, we hope that this website & forum can turn away from an unhappy, adversarial stance with the Board.

Notes This Forum:

This forum is hosted for free, as a service for the residents of the Woodlands community, though contributions to help us maintain this service will be graciously accepted, if you'd like to help.. These forums are open to all residents of the Woodlands. As an organization that is independent of the Woodlands Condominium Association, we don't have regular, physical meeting times or locations. However, if you understand our positions, and want to be a part of changing our community, and its ruling Board for the better, please contact us and we'll try to find you a place. If you have been terrorized by the current Board, in any way, you testimony can help us fix what wrong also. But, frankly, if you believe that the majority of your neighbors are low-life deadbeats, and that it is OK to eliminate one amenity after another, so as to lower condo fees by a few dollars a money...please DON'T call!

Rules & Regs:

While the forums are primarily here for the residents of the Woodlands, we currently do not restrict non-residents from registering and posting in the forums - in fact we encourage those who are looking to relocate into our neighborhood, or who have common interests with our owners/residents, to create an account and participate. However, it is not considered a right to post or participate in the website or forum. We do not guarantee any information provided in our forums; we disclaim any liabilities for any information posted to the site; and we reserve the right to edit or remove any postings, or user accounts, for any reason. .

As mentioned above, please recognize the forum is not owned, operated or controlled by the Woodlands Community Association (WCA); its Board of Trustees/Directors or the WCA management or management company. We are completely independent of the WCA & management, and while members of the WCA or management may frequent the forum, these entities have no rights that are superior to any other forum members. Do NOT post communication, on these forums, that should be directed to the Board or WCA management.

On the other hand, do NOT post anything that you do not want to come to the attention of the WCA trustees or management. You may never be aware of some vindictive manager or trustee who is "stalking" forum participants. NOTE: Wwe do welcome communication if your dealings with the Board, management, "go wrong". We are part of a group that is working to restore "fair-play" in our community.So, do feel free to send us confidential communication to mail@woodlandscondosnj.org if you have issues with the WCA trustees or Board. We're not attorneys, but we will do our best to provide non-legal guidance and suggestions of who should talk to for help, etc.

Please follow our forum rules that follow below & kindly respect the requests of moderators, who are on hand to maintain order and civility, not bully forum visitors. However, please not that persons who do not follow the forum rules are subject to administrative action, including temporary or permanent banning.

Forum Rules

1. No posting of contact information of minors.  We take the safety of our children here in Woodlands very seriously and will never put them at risk by posting their private information online. As such, if any contact information relating to a minor is posted here, we will remove that information as soon as it is noticed.

2. Only one account per person is allowed.  If for some reason you can not login to your account because you have forgotten your password or username, please do not create a new account. You can reset your password from the login page using the email address you registered with or if for some reason you can not access your account, please Contact Us and an administrator will assist you. If we notice you have registered multiple accounts, we will ask you to pick one and will merge the accounts together.

3. No Sock Puppet Accounts - Sock Puppeting is "the act of creating a fake online identity to praise, defend or create the illusion of support for one’s self, allies or company." Essentially, creating fake accounts with the intent to deceive or mislead others.  Sock Puppet accounts will be deleted and members found creating sock puppet accounts will have administrative action taken against them, including the potential to be banned from the forums.

4. A valid email address is required to be active at all times.  We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Your email address will only be used for purposes related to operating the website or forum.  If the forum administrators find that the email address for an member's account is no longer active, we will attempt to contact the member via Private Message to have the member update their profile. If the member does not respond within a reasonable amount of time, the administrators reserve the right to disable or delete the account.

5. Do not post personal information about yourself or others - Use caution when posting personal information anywhere on the Internet, including this forum. This forum is viewable by anyone who registers, and the information you post could be used in a malicious way by someone not even a part of our website or community. Recognize also that the forum may be indexed by search engines, so anything posted here might also be found by Google, Yahoo, etc. Use caution when posting things in public such as

    personal email addresses
    phone numbers

The forum administrators will not remove personal information people post about themselves voluntarily or information that is publicly available, but we strongly discourage members from doing so. If we add a private messaging system to the forum, or chat room(s), please note that you might be talking to someone other than who you think it is. Be careful. We especially caution you to be careful about slandering anyone. That is, posting comments that are false, and could be considered damaging by a court. Remember, however, "The best defense against a charge of slander is the truth." No-one can win against you, in court, for a charge of slander or libel, if what you said can be proved to be true.

Example: You have an item for sale and would like to allow someone to call you if they are interested. You should include in your post that interested parties should send you a private message via the forum where you can then provide them your phone number without posting it on the public portion of the forum.

6. No spamming or duplication of posts - Do not post the same or similar thread in multiple forums. We know you want to get the word out about your particular issue/concern/question/comment/etc, but please take the time to pick the correct forum and place your message there. Threads may be moved by the administrators as deemed necessary. Also please refrain from posts of a "spam" nature, e.g. posts for free iPods requiring other users to sign-up. Such threads/posts will be closed (or deleted) and the poster may be banned.

7. No For Sale, advertising, commercial soliciting or other commercial postings except in specified forums - There should be no advertising of personal or commercial interest in the forums except in forums created explicitly to host those types of posts. Forums created for these purposes will have forum-specific rules posted in the forum and must be reviewed before posting. Currently there are forums for For Sale postings by Woodlands Residents and for Advertising by Loudoun County businesses. We encourage local business owners and operators to participate in our forums as a way of communicating with their potential customer base but unsolicited advertising must be restricted as described above. Under no circumstances should any member mass-message (repeatedly send the same message) other members of the forum/website.

8. No Inappropriate Content - This forum is viewable by residents of all ages and therefore posting of obscene, foul language or otherwise unlawful content will not be tolerated. We don't have an adults-only category, for the same reason. If you want to discuss adult topics, find a swinging partner, etc, that's your right...but DO IT elsewhere, please.The forum includes an automatic language filter - it is implemented for a purpose, thus it should not be intentionally circumvented.

9. Excessive Punctuation/Sizing/Caps - Members should not post in all caps or try to use excessive punctuation or size formatting in their postings. In the online word, that's considered SCREAMING, and we just don't need that.

10. No Personal attacks - "What is an attack exactly? We have all heard the term before. On a message board, an attack is when another member posts a message that clearly & directly is to threaten, defame, insult or make a mockery of another for whatever reason that poster felt compelled to do so. This includes attacking forum members by group or label (Example: all you homeowners are idiots). Attack the post, not the poster is a motto to adhere to. These boards are for discussions. There will always be differing opinions. You can disagree & but be civil and do not spread hate around. Members who demonstrate continued instigational or confrontational behavior towards other members or show disregard for the rules or intentions of the rules will be banned.

11. No Trolling - Trolling is when someone posts controversial or contrary messages solely with the intention of baiting users into an argumentative response. The troll's purpose is simply to disrupt or gain attention. Please do not 'feed the trolls' by responding to their baiting. Trolling is a game to the poster - they aim to pleasure at your expense - at your frustration, your efforts, etc. The best solution is always to simply ignore the poster which denies them the thing they are after - your response. Members who repeatedly demonstrate trolling behavior at the discretion of the forum administrators will be banned.

12. Considering the real-time nature of these forums, it is impossible for us to review all messages or confirm the validity of information posted.  Please understand that we will try to respond to inappropriate content brought to our attention but that we we simply cannot be held responsible, in any way, for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages represent only the views of the author of the message.

Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable or inappropriate should contact the forum administrators by using the Report Post function by clicking the Report link shown directly below each post, or by email. Reported posts will be reviewed by administrators who will review the situation and take appropriate action if deemed necessary. But, please understand that the forum administrators are volunteers who "have lives" also, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit messages immediately.

13. Please do not play forum vigilante - Please leave the policing or administration of the forums to administrators and moderators. Rather then trying to correct the actions of another and further exaggerating the situation, please contact the forum administrators by using the Report Post function by clicking the Report link directly below each post, or by email. Reported posts will be reviewed by administrators who will review the situation and take appropriate action if deemed necessary.

14. No Discussions Regarding Administrative Actions on the Forums.  All discussions related to administrative actions (suspensions, bans, moderations, etc) are to be taken offline and not directly discussed on the forums. If you have a problem with or question about a moderator’s decision, contact us outside of the forum itself. Posts or topics discussing moderator actions will be removed.  If you have an issue with the action(s) of a moderator, or administrator, we'll try to achieve a reasonable resolution with you. But, ultimately, the decision of the administration must be considered to be final.
Administrative Action

Members who violate the website's rules or policies will be subject to having administrative action taken against them. Our overall goal is correcting users and behaviors - not punishing them. Administrators or moderators may warn a specific member via private conversation. Administrators or moderators may also post in an active thread warning all thread participants that behavior is straying and administrative action may be pending if behavior does not improve. Members should respect these posts as gentle warnings to all thread participants. If a member does not correct their behavior or when a specific violation occurs, administrators or moderators may edit or delete posts to remove offending material. The offending member will be contacted via private conversation outlining their offense and any action taken.

Users may also receive an Warning notice. Our primary goal is correcting behavior, but if a forum member continues to violate the website's policies or rules further action may be taken against the member. Typically, first time offenses will result in such a warning to the member. Repeat offenses may result in having the member's access to the forum (in part or whole) suspended for a fixed time period. Severe or further offenses will lead to the member being banned permanently suspended. Such administrative actions will be applied at the discretion of the forum's administrators/moderators.

Acceptance of Forum Rules and Policies

All users of our forums agree to follow these terms of use and forum rules. If you do not agree to these terms of use and rules, do not use these forums. Users represent that they have read, understand, and agree to these rules. If you post material, you represent and warrant that the material you post is not defamatory, infringing on our rules, obscene or otherwise unlawful, that you have rights to post any material you supply and that you take full responsibility for your actions and you will not hold the forum or its administration responsible for any liability or loss. Thank you for your cooperation. As always, these rules are subject to change so check back periodically.

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